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Books by Terri

The Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Child

To know a child is to understand their pain, their needs, their feelings, their struggles and their dreams.

This guide is be used, by parents, caregivers and mentors, as a vehicle, to understand the intricate, challenging, complex, emotional, rewarding and wonderful world of a child.

If the child doesn’t understand the questions, then clarify with examples that speak to them on their age, cognitive and comprehension level.

Use the lined pages to write or help them write the answers to each question. The completed book is to be presented as a gift to the child. The child will then be instructed to read the book before they go to bed or anytime of the day — for a self-esteem boost and a reminder of who they are and to retrieve valuable life lessons.

The parent can utilize the completed book and the exercises with the child during family meetings and during one on one parent-child talk times, to evaluate the child’s emotional, social, mental health, academic and spiritual state.

This guide has been proven to help kids feel important, seen, heard, valued and that they are enough.

The Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Child

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©2022-Present Terri L. McCrea, West Ashley Counseling Associates, LLC.

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